Russian occupiers wipe out Stone Graves Reserve near Mariupol

The Russian military established camps on the grounds of the Stone Graves Reserve near the village of Nazarivka in the Nikolsky area of the Mariupol district.

Petro Andriushchenko, adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, stated this on Telegram.

It was previously reported that the enemy intends to construct fortifications and establish a defensive line near Mariupol, using part of their troops within the Stone Graves Reserve.

According to Mariupol's leader, enemy forces have significantly increased in this area over the past few months, and their exact location has recently been determined.

The Stone Graves were destroyed due to heavy usage of military equipment and the establishment of shooting ranges within the reserve.

This is the second nature reserve destroyed by Russian troops in this area.

Before, the "Meotyda" nature reserve stretching from Mariupol to the village of Babakh-Taram was devastated due to bombings and the establishment of military facilities. Valuable breeding grounds for endangered bird species listed in the Red Book have been destroyed.

"Chayachyi Ostriv" on Bilosarai Spit was also destroyed.

For reference:

Stone Graves are a division of the Ukrainian State Steppe Nature Reserve.

The nature reserve is situated near the village of Nazarivka, in the Mykylsky district of Donetsk region and the Roziv district of Zaporizhzhia region. It runs along the right bank of the Karatysh River, a left tributary of the Berdy River. It was established on April 5, 1927.

Photo: Wikipedia

Stone Graves is a truly remarkable natural and historical-cultural wonder situated in the regions of Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia in Ukraine. This reserve is a true gem of the Ukrainian steppe, capturing the eye with its stunning beauty, varied geology, and fascinating history.

Stone Graves are powerful rock outcrops of granite that rise 50-70 meters above the surrounding steppe. These granites are about 2 billion years old and form picturesque landscapes with numerous caves, niches, and rock outcrops.

Thousands of petroglyphs and pictures created by ancient people are preserved on the rocks. These drawings depict the way of life, beliefs, and perspectives of the people who resided in this area many years ago.

In 2008, the Stone Graves nature reserve placed in the top 21 of the All-Ukrainian competition "Seven Natural Wonders of Ukraine."

It is worth mentioning that according to Oleksandr Prokudin, the head of the Kherson Regional Military Administration, the Askania-Nova Reserve no longer exists due to the removal of numerous animals by the Russians, causing its destruction.

It was also reported that 80% of the forest plantations in the "Sviati Hory" national park, located in the north Donetsk region, were utterly destroyed due to the Russian Federation's invasion. The estimated damage to the park's environment is around 16 billion hryvnias.

Furthermore, the Serebriansky forest in the Luhansk region has been greatly devastated by the ongoing hostilities. Luckily, only a fraction of the Kremin forest has been affected by the war, as it is part of the designated Emerald network that holds significant environmental value.

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