Solutions to win: Olympic champion Mahuchikh donates over $12,000 to support injured soldiers in Ukraine

Yaroslava Mahuchikh, a Ukrainian track and field athlete who took home the gold at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, has once again shown her dedication to charitable causes. She recently donated 500,000 hryvnias [over $12,000 – ed.] to the organization "Patronage Service of the Angels of Azov," supporting soldiers with severe injuries.

The organization's head, Olena Tolkachova, announced this and expressed her gratitude on behalf of the "Angels of Azov" team, seriously wounded soldiers and their families.

"I was pleasantly surprised when, just in the evening, I received a message about a donation of 500,000 from Ukrainian Olympic athlete Yaroslava Mahuchikh. I want to thank you on behalf of the "Angels of Azov" team, seriously wounded fighters and their families," Tolkachova wrote.

The funds from the donation were used to pay for the treatment of military personnel with severe neurological and brain injuries who are in the rehabilitation center.

Moreover, the athlete donated a million hryvnias [over 20,000 USD – ed.]. The money went to the animal rescue and environmental organization UAnimals and four animal shelters:

  • "Pegasus",
  • "Sumy Society for the Protection of Animals",
  • "Homeless world",
  • "Dnipro Animals".

Earlier, Yaroslava Mahuchikh announced on her Instagram that she would be using a portion of her prize money to:

  • support the needs of Ukraine's armed forces;
  • contribute to a psychological support fund;
  • and assist animals impacted by the ongoing war.

"Today I have the opportunity to thank my team, Ukrainians, and defenders for my training and support on the way to Olympic gold," the athlete wrote.

"But I also consider it a true and fair decision to thank my team, which prepared me for this medal for more than one Olympic cycle at the age of 4 and invested in me from the first day of my path in athletics.

Money is nothing compared to what we went through with the team. And nothing compared to how much the armed forces and volunteers do for us so that we live in an independent and free country. And if I can use it [money – ed.] in this way, I will do that," Yaroslava summed up.

For reference:

Earlier, Rubryka reported that two-time Olympic champion Olha Kharlan put up for charity auction the saber with which she delivered the winning shot in the final of the team tournament of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.

On August 15, it became known that the saber of two-time Olympic champion Olha Kharlan was sold at a charity auction for 10 million hryvnias.

On August 13, the Ukrainian teams for kayaking, canoeing, freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling, weightlifting, synchronized swimming, and fencing arrived at Kyiv's Central Railway Station. The 2024 Olympics participants and medalists returned to Ukraine and were greeted by their loved ones, friends, and fans.

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