Фото: Львівська ОВА
What is the problem?
Ukrainian troops need cars as they help them perform combat missions, evacuate the wounded or civilians, and transport equipment.
"Ukraine is going through difficult times. It is impossible to say when this war will end. But we can say for sure that the path to our victory also depends on the support of the civilized world. When Mark Laird started this initiative, it was about 100 pickup trucks for our defenders," said Khrystyna Zamula, Deputy Head of Lviv Regional Military Association.
What is the solution?
A volunteer group of farmers from the UK has delivered a new batch of vehicles to the Ukrainian military.
Photo: Lviv RMA
How does it work?
The vehicles were donated as part of the Pickups for Peace initiative, which aims to provide civilian vehicles to Ukrainian brigades.
Photo: Lviv RMA
Photo: Lviv RMA
Volunteers from the US and the Netherlands joined the initiative of British farmer Mark Laird.
Since 2022, the Pickups for Peace initiative has delivered 400 vehicles to the Ukrainian military to help them fulfill their tasks at the front.
Photo: Lviv RMA
In addition to the Pickup Trucks for Peace initiative, the Ukrainian military receives vehicles from the British-Ukrainian Aid charity fund for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
The last of these transfers took place on August 1, 2024, when volunteers donated 20 civilian vehicles to the Ukrainian forces.
Londoners have donated their cars under the ULEZ program to various units of the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine and to patronage services for humanitarian and medical purposes.
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