Solutions to win: Ukraine’s “Baba Yaha” drones now armed with advanced guided bombs

Ukraine's "Baba Yaha" drones have been upgraded with powerful guided bombs, enabling them to hit distant targets and pose a significant danger to Russian forces.

According to Forbes, "Baba Yaha" can execute attacks from a significant distance, sparking curiosity about the nature of this weapon and its operational principles.

What is the problem?

As Ukraine asserts its sovereignty and defends its land, it must integrate modern and cutting-edge technologies, such as unmanned systems, into its military strategy. 

One of the primary reasons Ukraine requires a greater presence of unmanned systems in its battle against Russia is to protect the lives of its soldiers.

Additionally, these advanced systems can provide Ukraine with a tactical edge against the technologically superior and well-equipped Russian military. With their precise and accurate capabilities, they aid in targeting enemy positions more effectively while minimizing unintended destruction. Equipping these systems with advanced sensors and weapons also makes them a formidable force on the battlefield.

What is the solution?

Last week, the Ukrainian military telegram channel "Avangard" published information about new weapons, spreading the image of a downed "Baba Yaha" drone with the designation "BK-30F".

The holes in the munition's nose indicate it is a guided weapon, greatly enhancing its bombing accuracy.

Photo: Forbes

Ingeneral, drones must be positioned directly over the target for an accurate strike from a low altitude. The channel reports that even when dropped from a height of 80 meters, the damage accuracy is only around 50%.

Guided bombs, on the other hand, can be deployed from a greater distance or height, allowing the drone to remain safe. They use tactics similar to those of Russian fighter jets to evade air defenses.

Photo: Forbes

How does it work?

Using guided bombs, the "Baba Yaha" UAVs can strike from a safe distance, avoiding obstacles and snipers. They drop the bombs and then quickly disappear, making it difficult for enemy FPV drones to detect and destroy them.

The gun is 125 mm in diameter, and the bullet may be factory-made, potentially with a semi-active laser homing feature.

Forbes emphasizes that Ukrainian engineers are constantly working on improving their drone weapons, and thanks to the latest developments, they have taken a considerable step forward. This increases the combat capabilities of the Ukrainian military and creates new challenges for Russian forces.

For reference:

It should be noted that Skyeton, a Ukrainian company well-known for its reconnaissance systems ACS3/Raybird3, has revealed plans to expand its operations to Slovakia. The company has invested 3.5 million dollars into the new plant.

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