Niger cuts diplomatic relations with Ukraine

The country of the African continent, Niger, broke off diplomatic relations with Ukraine following the decision of neighboring Mali.

Al Arabiya and DW report this.

The day before, on August 6, Niger announced that it was severing diplomatic relations with Ukraine "with immediate effect."

"The government of the Republic of Niger, in full solidarity with the government and people of Mali, decides, guided by full sovereignty, to immediately sever diplomatic relations between the Republic of Niger and Ukraine," the representative of the government, Colonel Amadou Abdramane, in his televised address said.

Additionally, the top military officials will approach the UN Security Council to address Ukraine's "aggression," Abdramane noted.

"The government of the Republic of Niger learned with great surprise and deep indignation about the subversive and unacceptable statements of Andriy Yusov (spokesman of Ukraine's intelligence- ed.)," he emphasizes.

This occurred two days after Mali accused Kyiv of potentially backing the actions of Tuareg rebels, who had recently defeated a group of Malian soldiers and Russian mercenaries from the private military company "Wagner."

In turn, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine called the decision of the transitional government of Mali to break diplomatic relations with Ukraine "short-sighted and hasty" and promised to respond at the political and diplomatic level.

"The decision of the transitional government of the Republic of Mali to sever diplomatic relations with Ukraine is short-sighted and hasty, given that Ukraine, as a victim of unprovoked full-scale armed aggression by the Russian Federation, is making every effort, with the support of the world community, to restore justice and respect for international law, which is designed to protect all countries of the world, in particular African, from encroachments on their sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity," the statement said.

It is worth adding that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Senegal summoned the ambassador of Ukraine, Yuriy Pyvovarov, after the publication of a post on the social network of the Ukrainian embassy, ​​which caused tension between the two countries.

For reference:

In late July, Malian rebels announced that they had killed and injured numerous Wagner mercenaries during a two-day battle near the Algerian border.

The private military company later confirmed the death of its mercenaries in Mali, saying the Tuareg had apparently managed to increase their numbers due to a sandstorm.

According to the rebel coalition known as the "Permanent Strategic Framework for Peace, Security and Development" (CSP-PSD), they have seized armored vehicles, trucks, and tankers during clashes in the border town of Tinzaouaten. In addition, they have damaged a helicopter that ultimately crashed in the city of Kidal.

Mali's army announced its two soldiers killed and 10 wounded and confirmed the plane's crash during a planned mission. At the same time, the military said they had killed about 20 rebels.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, the recent success of the Tuareg rebels in Mali against the Russian private military company "Wagner" could have far-reaching consequences for Russia. It also predicts that further actions will follow this event.

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