Over 1/3 of Ukrainian children experience stress, and 4% suffer high-stress levels – survey

Illustrative picture
During Children's Health Month, which started on August 1, the Helsi medical system conducted a survey and found that 32.5% of Ukrainian children have an average level of stress.
The results of Helsi's survey evidence this.
Based on the survey results from 526 parents, only 26% of children experience a sense of calm, while nearly 4% experience a high-stress level.
Currently, there is a very high level of stress in Ukraine due to the ongoing war and danger that its citizens are facing. Psychologists observe that each child responds to stress in their own way, but it can impact their health and growth. According to a recent survey, 80% of parents make a conscious effort to monitor their children's mental health. Additionally, nearly 33% of parents occasionally discuss this matter with their family physician.
Helsi: Results of a survey on the child's stress level

Мін'юст озвучив статистику народжуваності, шлюбів та розлучень від початку 2024-го: деталі
The Ministry of Health of Ukraine's Public Health Center has identified several indicators of stress among children in elementary and secondary school. These include:
- loss of appetite (reported by 24% of respondents as their children eating very little);
- skepticism;
- complaints of headaches and stomach discomfort;
- frequent bathroom visits;
- disinterest in school and friendships;
- low self-esteem;
- hostility;
- rebellious behavior;
- disturbed sleep.
Helsi: Results of a survey about consultation with a doctor
When asked how parents assess their children's sleep, 24% of those surveyed stated that their child experiences sporadic issues. However, the majority, specifically 70% of the respondents, mentioned consistent and satisfactory sleep patterns in their children.
Helsi: results of a child's sleep survey
For reference:
Children's stress levels are impacted not only by war but also by their exposure to content on electronic devices. It's concerning that 46% of children spend more than 3 hours a day on tablets and smartphones. Medical professionals warn that this can have negative effects on their mental health and even their eyesight. Therefore, it's recommended to limit gadget usage and pay attention to your child's overall well-being.
In collaboration with a family doctor and a psychotherapist, Rubryka has examined the potential consequences and gathered tips on improving one's health starting now.