Solutions from Ukraine: Kyiv to open first-ever space for Muslim veterans

The first dedicated space for Muslim veterans will soon open in the capital. Renovations are underway to prepare the premises, which are expected to open within a few weeks.

"Suspilne Krym" reports this, citing information from veteran Arslan Misiratov, head of the Crimean organization of military personnel and combatants.

What is the problem?

Tens of thousands of Muslims are fighting in the Ukrainian army.

According to Misiratov, the initiators of the creation of the space communicate closely with the chaplains of the General Staff.

"Many guys get laid off from the army but can't find a place for themselves. That's why we have created this initiative to assist with job opportunities, offer legal guidance, and support their families," he explained.

Arslan Misiratov, head of the Crimean organization of military personnel and combatants. Photo: Suspilne Krym

What is the solution?

Hence, the inaugural space for Muslim men and women veterans will be established in Kyiv. Renovations are ongoing, and the space is anticipated to open within a few weeks.

Renovation of veteran space for Muslims. Photo: Suspilne Krym

How does it work?

Following the opening, tens of thousands of Muslim members of Ukraine's armed forces will have the opportunity to:

  • congregate here;
  • exchange experiences;
  • participate in prayers;
  • and receive various forms of support, including psychological assistance.

The veteran space will have four rooms:

  • hall,
  • place for prayer – namazkhana,
  • a room for training sessions,
  • a room for the chaplain and lawyers.

"In times of war, there is no distinction based on religion or nationality. We are all akin to one family, like siblings in a battle against a common enemy. However, in the aftermath of war, many individuals prioritize halal food and the need for designated prayer spaces. It is our responsibility to provide and facilitate these necessary accommodations," veteran Rahim Babayev, the head of the Kyiv regional organization of the All-Ukrainian Trade Union of Defenders of Ukraine, noted.

Both male and female veterans who practice Islam will have the opportunity to visit the space. All services are provided free of charge for them.

For reference:

In July 2024, the NGO "Ukrainian LGBT Military" established Ukraine's first veteran hub for LGBTIQ military personnel. The hub provides a secure and nurturing space for LGBTIQ veterans, military members, and their supporters.

A simulator has been introduced on the educational platform "Diia.Education" to teach proper interaction with combat experience individuals. According to officials, users can practice the skills they have acquired by immersing themselves in simulated situations that closely resemble real-life situations.

In addition, it was reported that a unique veterans' hub will open in Chernivtsi, in the historic lodge of Emperor Franz Joseph I. Here, defenders who have returned from the front can undergo art therapy.

Also, an eco-space for supporting and restoring physical and mental health has been opened in the Kyiv region, based on the university in Pereiaslav. Five projects provide comprehensive psychosocial support for veterans and their family members.

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