Solutions to win: Vivienne Mort band donates $30,000 to help scouts obtain Magura marine drones

During the charity tour of Europe, the Ukrainian band Vivienne Mort raised over 1.5 million hryvnias (equivalent to approximately $36,000) to purchase Magura V5 marine attack drones for scouts.

The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reports this.

What is the problem?

Ukraine's intelligence noted that the Magura V5 drones, manufactured in Ukraine, are being utilized for tasks such as reconnaissance and demining of water areas, patrolling, and causing fire damage to enemy ships and other targets. 

"The more innovative weapons Ukraine has, the greater the losses of the aggressor state of Russia," the intelligence stressed.

What is the solution?

The Ukrainian group Vivienne Mort raised over 1.5 million hryvnias for scouts to buy Magura V5 assault marine drones through a charitable tour of Europe.

Photo: Ukraine's intelligence

How does it work?

As previously mentioned, the band covered a distance of 7,955 kilometers, toured nine countries, and performed shows in 15 different cities.

Photo: Ukraine's intelligence

During the show, the musicians held charity auctions, during which they raffled off battle flags, unit chevrons, and other souvenirs signed by Kyrylo Budanov, the head of Ukraine's intelligence, among their audience.

Photo: Ukraine's intelligence

As a result, the band collected 1,573,000 hryvnias and handed it over to scouts for the purchase of naval drones.

It should be noted that the Diana Podolianchuk Charitable Fund is responsible for the procurement of attack drones, continuously working alongside Ukraine's military intelligence.

Photo: Ukraine's intelligence

For reference:

Earlier Rubryka wrote that together with Diana Podolianchuk's Charitable Foundation, the Druha Rika musical group handed over UAH 1.8 million to the special unit of Ukraine's intelligence.

Next, in appreciation for the aid that will go towards buying military gear, Ukrainian intelligence agents presented Druha Ryka's musicians with a state flag signed by soldiers and a commemorative souvenir from Ukrainian military intelligence.

During their charity concert tour in Great Britain and Ireland, the rock band Druha Rika successfully raised over a million hryvnias to provide boats for Ukrainian scouts.

Additionally, Rubryka reported that Anton Tymoshenko raised over 11 million hryvnias for Ukrainian soldiers through his stand-up comedy shows in the United States. This is one of the biggest fundraising efforts for Ukraine's military.

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