US Special Representative for Economic Recovery presents plan for Ukraine’s rebuilding

Penny Pritzker, the US special representative for Ukraine's economic recovery, spoke at the Brookings Institute in Washington. She presented five key conditions that, in her opinion, will ensure Ukraine's successful economic recovery.

The Voice of America reports this.

1. Unified government planning:

As the first condition, Pritzker identified the need for the urgent development of government planning for a single recovery project with an integrated approach. She emphasized the importance of coordination between various departments, which hamper the recovery process. To implement this point, technical experts, engineers, planners, and program managers should be involved, working together with civil servants.

2. Preparation of investment projects:

According to Pritzker, after creating a single reconstruction project, Ukraine needs teams ready to prepare projects for investment and implementation. She noted that the international community and the private sector will provide technical support, as the World Bank and the European Investment Bank are already doing, to expand the list of investment projects from dozens to hundreds. The Ukrainian government can use digitalization to increase transparency and ensure stakeholder awareness.

3. Continuation of anti-corruption reforms:

The third condition is the continuation of anti-corruption reforms in Ukraine. She emphasized that this is important for large-scale investments and economic prosperity.

4. Attracting capital:

The US special representative for Ukraine's economic recovery noted that the world should allocate more capital to invest in Ukraine. She emphasized the importance of insurance for attracting large investors. She called on commercial and investment banks to diversify the risk assessments of war insurance in different territories of Ukraine depending on how much they have been affected by the war.

5. Return of Ukrainians from abroad:

Pritzker emphasized the importance of Ukrainians returning from abroad. Currently, Ukraine does not have a sufficient labor force for reconstruction. She believes that Ukraine must prepare for the physical, psychological, and social needs of its returning citizens, engage the workforce strategically, and retrain women to work in positions historically held by men.

The US special representative for the economic recovery of Ukraine believes that such a vision of Ukraine is ambitious but achievable, and the world should help Kyiv turn the "Ukrainian dream" into reality.

At the same time, she emphasized that the country should take the initiative for recovery into its own hands.

We will remind you that on July 29, it became known that Penny Pritzker was leaving her post. Her mandate ends in September. On this day, the US special representative for the economic recovery of Ukraine arrived in Kyiv on a working visit and held talks with the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shmyhal. One of the topics of discussion was American financial assistance to Ukraine.


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