Solutions to win: Techosystem launches defense cluster in Ukraine to revolutionize military technology development

The Techosystem Public Union has just announced the establishment of the Techosystem Defense cluster, which will focus on developing cutting-edge defense technologies.

Militarnyi reports this.

What is the solution?

The Techosystem public union announced the creation of the Techosystem Defense cluster.

This strategic partnership aims to enhance Ukraine's defense capabilities by:

  • fostering the growth of defense startups,
  • integrating them into global markets,
  • and promoting effective collaboration among stakeholders.

Techosystem is an organization made up of members of Ukraine's technology ecosystem, emphasizing product-based companies.

How does it work?

The organization now has more than 80 members and forms vertical working groups.

Techosystem Defense seeks to foster the growth of Defense Tech firms, facilitate their expansion into global markets, and promote mutually beneficial partnerships between companies, the military, the government, and investors.

Techosystem Defense seeks to:

  • foster the growth of Defense Tech firms,
  • facilitate their expansion into global markets,
  • and promote mutually beneficial partnerships between companies, the military, the government, and investors.

Techosystem Defense was initiated by a working group of union members and approved by the organization's board. Cluster union members can join by submitting an application in the name of the Cluster head and completing the verification process.

Photo: Farsightvision

Each individual cluster is responsible for creating and approving its own activity regulations, as well as committing to carrying out a minimum of three projects within the year.

Techosystem Defense plans to implement several important projects, namely:

  • Setting up transparent and regulated relations with stakeholders of the defense market of Ukraine and abroad.
  • Advocacy and protection of interests of Cluster participants.
  • Promotion of Ukrainian defense startups in Ukraine and abroad.
  • Development and implementation of joint testing methodology and exchange of experience between developers.
  • Assistance in attracting investments for Cluster participants.

Each union member has the privilege to put forth their candidacy for the position of head of the cluster. Following voting among working group members and discussions, Yehor Dudinov, CEO and co-founder of Falcons company, was elected as the Head of the Cluster.

UAV manufactured by Buntar Aerospace. Photo: Buntar Aerospace

Their flagship product, Ether, is an electronic intelligence system that works effectively on the front lines.

The Techosystem Defense cluster currently includes the following companies: Aspichi, Bunker UA, Buntar Aerospace, Deftak, Drill App, Falcons, Farsightvision, HIMERA, Lifesaver, Molfar, Oko Camera, and r-Machine.

For reference:

It's worth mentioning that in Ukraine, Brave1 has started accepting applications for updated grants for defense technology development. Developers can now receive grants of 500,000, 1 million, and 2 million hryvnias.

As reported, the developers of Ailand Systems raised $200,000 from the Unbreakable Fund during the last Invest Demo Days organized by the Brave1 defense cluster.

It has also been reported that Ukraine's Brave1 Defense Tech development support cluster has announced its search for a solution for interceptor drones.

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