She visited three cities: Tashkent, Samarkand, and Khiva. Each city hosted a three-day training event where the trainers, including our Senior Editor Marina Smahina, a member of the board of directors of the Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) Oleg Khomenok, and Uzbek-language Voice of America journalist Navbahor Imamova, shared their knowledge and practical skills.
The participants, which included journalists from leading media outlets in Uzbekistan and regional bloggers, learned and practiced what solutions journalism is, how to create such materials, how it works in practice, where to find information, how to build hypotheses, develop a source map, conduct interviews, and determine the right questions to ask. There was also extensive discussion on journalistic ethics.
In addition to theoretical sessions, each city hosted field trips to locations with various initiatives, where participants explored solutions and discussed how to cover them in journalism. The participants included both journalists (from major media outlets in Uzbekistan as well as smaller regional ones) and bloggers. This was an incredible experience for all of them.
Rubryka continues to promote solutions journalism in Ukraine and around the world.
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