Nova Post opens first branch in Rome

Rome has become the second Italian city where New Post has opened a branch. The company has also started delivering parcels to partner post offices and delivery points throughout the country. The delivery time to Ukraine is seven days.

Rubryka writes about this, referring to the company's press service.

We will remind you that the first Italian branch of New Post was opened in December in Milan.

The branch has started working in Rome, at Via Albalonga 9-11. The branch is open daily, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

In the branch, clients can send:

  • documents, parcels, and cargo up to 100 kg to and from Ukraine,
  • throughout Italy,
  • between the European countries where New Post is represented.

Soon, Rome and the suburbs will have their own courier delivery of the New Post, as it already works in Milan. At the same time, thanks to cooperation with local logistics companies, clients can send parcels to any corner of the country.

Since June, a new delivery service has become available to customers at parcel lockers and drop-off points from the GLS partner network, which operates in any corner of the country. At such service points, you can receive prepaid parcels weighing up to 25 kg and measuring no more than 41 x 38 x 64 cm.

The term of parcel storage is 72 hours. If the customer does not pick up the order within three days, it is forwarded to the nearest Nova Post branch. You can choose the nearest point for delivery using convenient digital tools:

  • the mobile application,
  • online,
  • through the business office.

Today, the Nova Post network in Italy consists of two branches, 2,000 parcel lockers, and 4,500 parcel delivery points.

We remind you that the postal operator Nova Post plans to launch box machines this year —devices that will automate the sale of packaging.



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