The Mariupol City Council and the Ukrainian television channel TV-7 reported that.
The dictator said that he ordered it to be done on March 30, 2023, and now it is possible to "deploy full-fledged work" in the occupation school.
Photo: 0629.COM.UA
The occupiers plan to start training on September 1.
"The building was built in the Primorsky district of the city where 5th to 7th grade students were enrolled. This is yet another tactic by the invaders to transform Mariupol into a military stronghold. As the city remains a crucial logistical hub for the Russians," the Mariupol City Council commented.
The Russian propaganda news agency TASS reported that 240 people, particularly from Russia, were selected for "training."
Russian propagandists stated that "future Nakhimovsky residents shared dreams of protecting their homeland."
The authorities in Ukraine made it clear that the ultimate aim of the occupiers was to "Russify children," indoctrinating them against Ukraine and ultimately using them in future conflicts.
For reference:
In occupied Mariupol, the invaders introduced "patriotic" education in schools.
They force students to line up, listen to the anthem of the terrorist state, and raise the Russian flag.
"Each week in schools begins with the so-called "patriotic education," but in reality – brainwashing of children," the Mariupol City Council reports.
The Russian invaders are glorifying the killers and executors in Mariupol. They have displayed "heroes of the Donetsk People's Republic" in schools, featuring photos and tales of the attackers.
In addition, the Russians continue to destroy Mariupol schools.
"There were 63 schools in Mariupol, Ukraine. Every effort was made to provide our children with new opportunities and a modern education from these schools.
According to initial findings, 54 secondary education institutions were harmed by the Russians, with 19 sustaining critical damage and eight being completely demolished," Mayor Vadym Boychenko said.
On September 1, 2023, Putin "opened" a school in Mariupol via video link from Moscow.
The head of terrorists in the occupied Donetsk region, Denys Pushylin, brought a first-grader to the cameras, who told Putin, "Thank you very much for taking care of my beloved city of Mariupol."
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