Russia’s seizing control of four Ukrainian regions could take five years – British general Walker

It could potentially take about five years for the Russian army to conquer the Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhia regions. At that time, the Russian military is expected to sustain losses of up to 1.8 million soldiers.

According to Newsweek, the commander of the British army, General Roly Walker, stated this during a conference on ground warfare at the Royal Defense Research Institute (RUSI).

"It could take Russia years to seize control of the four annexed regions of eastern Ukraine that it claims, and it is likely to cost Moscow up to 1.8 million casualties," said the British army chief.

Walker also suggested that at the current rate of casualties, it would likely cost 1.5 to 1.8 million lives, as well as "countless billions" in destroyed equipment.

"If the Russians keep up this pace, it will likely take them about five years to conquer the four regions they specified in their constitution," he added.

The British general summed up:

"The Russian Federation should have more things to worry about than losing so many people for a piece of Ukrainian territory."

For reference:

As Rubryka reported, the total combat losses of Russian troops in Ukraine from February 24, 2022, to July 25, 2024, amount to about 571,350 people, including 1,230 people – in the previous day.

In addition, the Defense Forces destroyed 8,313 (+11) Russian tanks, armored fighting vehicles – 16,039 (+26), artillery systems – 15,804 (+45), anti-aircraft missiles – 1,125 (+0), anti-aircraft weapons – 904 (+2), airplanes – 363 (+0), helicopters – 326 (+0), operational-tactical UAVs – 12610 (+66), cruise missiles ‒ 2402 (+0), ships/boats ‒ 28 (+0), submarines ‒ 1 (+0), automotive equipment and tank trucks – 21358 (+79), special equipment – 2661 (+11).

As reported in the military command, Ukrainian soldiers continue to inflict losses in manpower and equipment on the occupying forces, exhausting the enemy along the entire line of battle and in its rear.

On July 24, Ukrainian military launched: 

  • 13 airstrikes on clusters of enemy personnel, 
  • targeted the command post, 
  • destroyed the artillery system, 
  • disabled two air defense vehicles, 
  • and knocked out an enemy radar.

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