Kamyshin reported that on Telegram.
What is the problem?
According to Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Education, Science and Technology Development – Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, the war is now becoming a "battle of coordinates" among engineers, evolving into a technological war.
"Technologies and innovations are the key to our victory. They help to gain an advantage on the battlefield and save our soldiers' lives," the department head emphasized.
What is the solution?
Therefore, with the contributions collected by the United24 platform, five robotic "Liut" ["rage" in English – ed.] complexes were purchased, and they will be deployed to the front lines soon.
How does it work?
"Nominal robotic complexes purchased for the contributions of United24 donors are designed to support the assault actions and detect and suppress enemy fire points. Also," Liut" can be used in defense or as an observation post," the statement said.
It has increased cross-country ability thanks to the all-wheel drive; the center is shifted downwards for stability.
Photo: Telegram / Oleksandr Kamyshin
The vehicle is outfitted with 360-degree cameras on both the front and rear for improved visibility and two targeting cameras. Additionally, the complex is fitted with a PKT machine gun and reinforced with armor to shield against shrapnel and small arms.
For reference:
In October 2023, Ukraine began testing the "Liut" combat robot, which enables remote task completion and can potentially save the lives of Ukrainian defenders.
Then Fedorov published a photo of a finished experimental sample that successfully passed field tests and noted that the team is working on improving the machine and preparing to scale up production.
It was also reported that at the "Safe Field" hackathon, Ukrainian developers, in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and the Kyiv School of Economics, successfully tested their projects – specialized lawnmowers for sappers – on a designated testing ground.
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