Solutions from Ukraine: Ukrainian inventor creates autonomous energy systems using Tesla batteries to solve power outages

A 30-year-old Ukrainian businessman, Oleksandr Bentsa, used to purchase damaged Teslas from insurance auctions in the USA and transport them back to Ukraine for repairs and resale. Recently, his team of mechanics has started using car batteries to provide power for households in the area during blackouts. 

Financial Times reports this.

As Bentsa pointed out, electricians can split the batteries taken out of the Tesla into multiple independent systems. Each system produced in this manner has a capacity of 5 kWh, sufficient to power lighting and electrical appliances in a Kyiv apartment for 10 hours.

Photo: Financial Times

He said that a used Tesla costs nearly $10,000, which includes the delivery fee. It can also be dismantled into 12 batteries and sold as spare parts. He gave his brand the name "Ukrainian Autonomous Systems."

Bents offers its batteries to the military without any extra cost, but the majority of its clientele are non-military individuals. The demand for its product has significantly risen in the last two months, and Bents anticipates it will continue increasing as winter approaches.

Photo: Financial Times

"What we see now is just a small, small, small piece. What we see in the winter will be a very big problem," Bents noted.

For reference:

It should also be noted that Ukraine is expected to face a challenging energy situation this winter, with only 6-7 hours of available electricity per day.

Financial programs for increasing energy independence have started working in Ukraine. In particular, 0% lending to citizens for the purchase of energy equipment.

The 0% financing program for individuals allows them to purchase power-generating plants that use alternative energy sources, such as:

  • solar panels with storage systems;
  • or wind turbines.

Rubryka has compiled the top tips and practical steps to help make paying bills less daunting. These useful tricks will help you save money and improve your home's energy efficiency. Find out more in Rubryka's article "How to Cut Utility Costs: Energy Efficiency Tips."

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