Eco-solutions: Kherson launches pilot project for construction waste processing

A pilot project is currently being implemented in the regional center of Kherson, focused on processing, cleansing, and reselling of construction waste.

The head of the Kherson City Military Administration, Roman Mrochko, reported that on Facebook.

What is the problem?

The occupiers have been constantly shelling Kherson since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.

"Kherson suffers from round-the-clock Russian shelling every day," the head of the city military administration noted.

In just one day on July 22, 2024, 15 settlements on the right bank of the Kherson region were shelled. 30 private houses, a commercial establishment, a gas pipeline and cars were damaged.

The Russian army attacked Kherson and its suburbs with unmanned aerial vehicles. Settlements of the Beryslav and Kherson districts were under fire. The shelling continued the next day.

As a result, tons of construction waste are generated.

What is the solution?

"In Kherson, they started implementing a pilot project on processing, cleaning, and further sale of construction waste," Mrochko said.

How does it work?

As the official noted, Japan partners are helping Ukraine eliminate major damage to buildings.

"This country has tremendous experience, as it often suffers from earthquakes that lead to large-scale destruction. In two weeks, our city will already have the necessary equipment," the head of the city military administration emphasized.

According to him, some time will be spent on training specialists who will work on the equipment provided by Japan. The first batches of material for sale are expected by the end of the year.

Mrochko also mentioned that experts from Kherson have examined the sales market. The cost of these products varies from 240 to 280 hryvnias per ton and is competitive.

The head of the city military administration said that the minister was shown how a separate site for construction waste was arranged. Two thousand tons of debris have already been brought here after the destruction.

The head of the administration also told the Minister of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine Ruslan Strilts, who was in Kherson at the time, about the details and terms of the project's implementation. He showed the head of the department how a separate site for construction waste had been set up.

Mrochko also requested his help in locating an investor to remove gases from the landfill where solid household waste was deposited. The business that previously handled this task has since shut down.

For reference: 

It should be noted that Japan provided 40 vehicles and demining equipment to the pyrotechnic units, which are directly engaged in clearing the Ukrainian land of mines and unexploded shells.

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