Russian military offers $1,150 reward for recruiting friend to join army – ISW

The Russian government has introduced unconventional monetary rewards for military enlistment: an individual who refers a friend to the military recruitment officer will receive 100,000 rubles (equivalent to approximately $1,150).

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reported that.

According to military analysts, the head of the Yaroslavl region, Mykhailo Yevraev, announced a new initiative that offers 100,000 rubles (about $1,150) to each person who brings a friend to the military committee if he signs a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) for military service.

As of July 11, the Republic of Tatarstan has also implemented a similar initiative. According to Yuriy Sinelshchikov, the deputy chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on State Building and Legislation, this new draft mechanism carries some potential risks, as Russians could potentially exploit the system, especially if other regions in the federation also adopt similar measures.

Sinelshchikov called for enshrining this mechanism in Russian legislation and expressed concern about whether the subjects of the federation would be able to provide funding for such initiatives.

In addition, the Russian military is reportedly developing and formalizing a military motorcyclist specialty, likely in response to an increase in Ukrainian drone strikes and aerial surveillance, forcing the Russian army to use small and fast vehicles for front-line logistics and transportation.

Russian sources said on July 21 that Russia's 5th Motorized Rifle Brigade (1st Army Corps of the so-called "Donetsk People's Republic") is creating its military motorcycle school and that other Russian brigades are also dealing with the issue "at a high level."

ISW Key Findings as of July 21:

The Russian government is developing a system to prevent the departure of potential conscripts and mobilized soldiers from the Russian army.

As reported, according to British intelligence, Russia recruits about 30,000 new soldiers to the army every month, which allows it to cover losses and continue the war against Ukraine without resorting to unpopular mobilization.

According to the Levada Center, the share of those waiting for the second wave of mobilization decreased over the past year. 48% of Russians believe that it can be announced within the next three months.

Let us add that Moscow plans to continue to replenish the ranks of the occupiers. Recently the British intelligence predicted that Putin plans to call up another 170 thousand people for the war against Ukraine.

And Putin said that by the end of the year, he would recruit half a million Russians for the war against Ukraine: 617,000 are currently fighting.


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