Kyiv volunteers create children’s mental health project Summer Nearby

In the capital, volunteers of the union Poruch created a children's development project, Summer Nearby, within which master classes, excursions, workshops, and trainings are held.

Rubryka writes about it, referring to Village.

What is the problem?

Today, every child in Ukraine has been affected by the war to one degree or another. Experiencing stress, if not dealt with, can cause problems with physical and mental health.

Children react in a special way to any traumatic event, and you need to be an expert to recognize childhood trauma and its consequences.

What is the solution?

In the capital, volunteers of the Poruch Union created a children's project, Summer Nearby.

The project aims to create a space where children can feel supported and cared for, gain new knowledge and skills, and develop their creative abilities.

How does it work?

During July-August, events for children will be held at various locations in Kyiv. Volunteers say it will also help immerse them in career guidance.

In particular, they have already carried out:

  • pizza-making master classes at the Tisto, syr ta titka Bella restaurant,
  • mental health trainings,
  • art therapy classes on shopper painting.

Photo: Volunteer Union Paruch charity fund

Photo: Volunteer Union Paruch charity fund

Children who participated in the project also created designer bags, grew moss, cooked rolls, and author's lemonade in the Eurasia restaurant.

Photo: Volunteer Union Paruch charity fund

The project aims to improve mental health, especially for those who have faced combat operations.

"Here, children can find new friends and support through their peers," the organizers say.

Photo: Volunteer Union Paruch charity fund

Children aged four to 16 years old can join the initiative

It is worth adding that Poruch helps to adapt and integrate IDPs in Kyiv. In particular, volunteers provide the necessary consultations, moral and psychological support, and help to get free legal advice. 70% of volunteers are displaced persons from the war or occupation zones.

We would like to remind you that the Happiness Lessons course on socio-emotional Well-Being training will be introduced in Ukrainian schools in September.

As Rubryka wrote, children have a high potential for recovery. Experts tell us how to activate this potential. Read more in our material How to preserve a child's physical and mental health during wartime.

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