South Korean company fundraises for reconstruction of Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital, damaged by Russian missile

The South Korean company KIND, which helps develop the transport master plan of the Kyiv region, provided financial assistance to the national specialized children's hospital Okhmatdyt.

Kyiv regional military administration reported this on Telegram, Rubryka writes.

The military administration emphasized that the company's employees raised funds to support Okhmatdyt.

The initiative to support the hospital with their own funds arose from KIND employees in the first minutes after they saw the photos of the consequences of unjustified cruelty to Ukrainian children.

Photo: Telegram / Kyiv Regional Military Administration

During the first visit after the attack, the head of the special unit — the general manager of this Korean organization, My-hyuck Lee, was already able to transfer aid for the reconstruction of Okhmatdyt.

Photo: Telegram / Kyiv Regional Military Administration

As noted in the regional administration, representatives of the South Korean corporation KIND and the deputy head of the Kyiv Regional State Administration, Lesya Karnaukh, visited the Okhmatdyt hospital.

They inspected the destruction caused by the Russian missile attack and handed over financial assistance to the hospital.

Photo: Telegram / Kyiv Regional Military Administration

Volodymyr Zhovnir, the General Director of the Okhmatdyt, presented the benefactors with a children's drawing as a token of gratitude from the institution's young patients.

Strike on Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital

On the morning of July 8, the Russians fired a missile at the Okhmatdyt children's hospital. There were 627 children there at the time of the attack. The head of the Ministry of Health, Viktor Lyashko, said that the Russian strike fell on the toxicology building, where children were receiving dialysis.

As a result of the attack on the medical facility, two people died, and another 50 were injured. A boy who was injured in the attack also later died at the hospital. Immediately after the impact, caring people arrived at the hospital, helping to clear the debris and bringing water and food.

The state has already promised to rebuild the hospital — the government allocated $2,427,180 for priority restoration work. In addition, caring people donated $7,281,540 for Okhmatdyt in 41 hours. The government of Ukraine has received "a large number of requests" from various countries that are ready to accept children from the hospital for treatment.

In the meantime, propaganda resources began to spread information that it was Ukraine that fired at its own children's hospital. However, Ukrainian investigators showed evidence that it was a Russian Kh-101 missile that was launched at the facility.


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