Fire erupts near Russian military plant producing self-propelled howitzers in Yekaterinburg

A fierce fire erupted on Thursday, July 18, in Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation. The blaze originated at the military plant section.

Readovka reported that.

As noted by local Telegram channels, heavy smoke was noticed in the Pioneer district of Yekaterinburg.

The smoke has a yellow color.


It is known that a fire broke out near the Uraltransmash military plant. According to local residents, the roof of an empty shop is on fire. The network notes that welding work was allegedly underway in the building, which caused the fire.

"There is currently no information about the victims. Three workers who were in the building evacuated on their own," Russian mass media write.

It is worth adding that "Uraltransmash" is a large Russian enterprise that specializes in the production of military equipment, machine tools, and tram cars.

According to the network, this is the sole production facility in Russia for self-propelled artillery units.

For reference:

It is worth noting that the number of fires has recently increased on the territory of Russia. They often occur on:

  • defense facilities,
  • military enterprises,
  • oil refineries or oil depots.

For example, a large-scale fire broke out in the Voronezh region after a drone attack. Ukraine's Security Service drones attacked an ammunition warehouse.

Later, the mass media showed satellite images of the consequences of a severe fire in the Voronezh region.

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