Solutions to win: Ukrainian inventors develop “Odyssey” robots to save wounded soldiers and civilians

Ukrainian developers are actively working on the latest technologies that will save wounded soldiers and civilians and help in the fight against the Russian invaders.

The Associated Press reports this.

What is the problem?

Using multifunctional robotic complexes on the battlefield helps minimize human factor. This eliminates the need for Ukrainian soldiers to put their lives at risk during the evacuation of their comrades or basic logistical tasks. Instead, these tasks can be carried out by unmanned platforms.

"We are at war with a large country that has unlimited resources. It is important for us not to lose many lives. War is mathematics," Ukrainian inventor and entrepreneur Andriy Denysenko emphasizes.

What is the solution?

Ukrainian developers are creating the latest robots that will help in the fight against the Russian invaders and save wounded soldiers and civilians.

How does it work?

As reported, entrepreneur Denysenko can assemble the unmanned land transport "Odyssey" at his home in just four days.

Its main advantage is the price of only 35 thousand dollars, which is 10% cheaper than imported models.

Recently, the "Odyssey" prototype successfully completed tests in northern Ukraine. This drone, which weighs 800 kg, has the ability to travel up to 30 km without needing to be recharged. 

It can be equipped with a rescue and support platform, a heavy machine gun with remote control, and mine-explosive charges.

These robots can serve as:

  • logistics equipment, 
  • rescue vehicles, 
  • mine-detecting machines, 
  • self-destructing robots.

They have already been successfully integrated into the Ukrainian military, as evidenced by a charity event raising funds for unmanned technology. 

In addition, Denysenko's company is also developing a motorized exoskeleton that will increase the fighter's strength and help him overcome obstacles.

"We will do everything to make unmanned technologies develop even faster. (Russia's) murderers use their soldiers as cannon fodder, while we lose our best people," Mykhailo Fedorov, Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine emphasizes.

For reference:

It should be noted that the first "Murakha" ground drones are already at the front and helping Ukrainian defenders in the fight against the enemy.

Also, Ukrainian engineers and programmers are preparing to introduce the latest technologies to protect military equipment from drones and missiles, which can change the rules of the game on the battlefield.

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