The Lviv City Council reported that.
Lviv is the first city where the first Recruiting Center of the Ukrainian Army was opened.
"That's why we came to Lviv for the first time with this initiative. Candidates will be able to see us directly and "live" this testing because, before that, our entire process took place online," Tetiana Muravyova, head of the recruiting group for equipping units of unmanned land systems troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Drone Force, said.
Photo: Lviv City Council
According to her, everything is straightforward: the candidate just needs to leave his name and contact details and choose the day he wants to come. More than 60 people have already registered.
"The entire dialogue occurs here – first with the specialists of the recruiting center, then with our recruiter, and then – the testing itself. All this is voluntary, and the candidate can stop this process at every step," Tetiana Muravyova noted.
Photo: Lviv City Council
According to Halyna Piskorska, the leader of Lviv's Recruiting Center, the position of unmanned systems operator is highly desired. As a result, recruiters gladly welcome any efforts to assist those seeking a job within the armed forces, aligning with their interests.
"Due to warfare's increasingly technological nature, there is a high demand for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) experts. This project allows individuals to test their abilities and gauge suitability for this field while also offering a chance to gain further knowledge on military opportunities," Halyna Piskorska explained.
Photo: Lviv City Council
In total, approximately 2,000 individuals have already submitted applications to the center. Additionally, every other individual who has been recruited will be serving in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles, specializing in roles such as drone operations, technical support, and craftsmanship. This applies not only to enlisted personnel but also to officers.
It is worth noting that the professional training of operators of unmanned systems lasts from 17 to 45 days, depending on the specialization. After completion of training, a serviceman is assigned to a selected unit of the Ground Forces.
Photo: Lviv City Council
For reference:
Drone Force is a recruiting group for unmanned systems units. After Lviv, this project will be available in Ukraine's other cities.
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