Ukrainian athlete with disability breaks national record for hour-long pull-up on horizontal bar

The former Paralympian Oleksandr Vashchuk, who is unable to walk, holds the Ukrainian national record for pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

The Volodymyr City Council reported that on Facebook.

The athlete performed the exercise for an hour.

Photo: Facebook / Volodymyr City Council

25-year-old Oleksandr Vashchuk from Volyn has been diagnosed with "flabby paraparesis of the lower limbs" since childhood – his leg muscles are so weak that he cannot walk. Because of this, Oleksandr moves around in a wheelchair.

The man was part of the reserve team of the Paralympic team of Ukraine in biathlon and cross-country skiing.

On July 14, he broke Ukraine's record for the exercise "Pulling up with two hands on the crossbar."

In 60 minutes, Oleksandr pulled up as many as 285 times.

Lana Vetrova, head of the National Register of Records of Ukraine, handed over the certificate of the record holder to the athlete.

"[Oleksandr – ed.] works out a lot in the gym, inspires those around him by his example and shows that there are no and should not be any restrictions in a fulfilling life and achieving one's dreams, in particular, for people with disabilities," the city council noted.

For reference:

The National Register of Records of Ukraine officially documented the achievement of the youngest Ukrainian to receive the most diplomas of higher education in Ukraine.

It was also announced that the highest number of wishes for the military were registered in Kyiv. A 10-meter Ukrainian flag was placed in the city's Shevchenko Park, where people could leave their well-wishes for the military. In less than a day, over 800 signatures were gathered.

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