Photo: Office of the President
He said this at a press conference in Kyiv on July 15.
Zelensky stated that he could not provide the exact number of Patriot systems currently in Ukraine. Nonetheless, he referred to the transfer of five Patriots, which was announced at the NATO summit in Washington, as a significant contribution.
The head of state also noted that Patriot is not the only system that Ukraine needs to protect the sky.
For reference:
Patriot is a powerful anti-aircraft missile complex that can significantly strengthen Ukraine's defense capabilities. It can shoot down ballistic and cruise missiles, as well as aircraft, protecting cities and critical infrastructure.
In April, Zelensky also said that 25 Patriot systems or their analogs are needed to close the sky over Ukraine completely.
NATO's jubilee summit at the level of heads of state took place in Washington on July 9-11. President Volodymyr Zelensky headed the Ukrainian delegation.
On the summit's sidelines, in addition to the planes, the USA, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and Romania leaders announced the transfer to Ukraine of five Patriot and SAMP-T strategic air defense systems and the provision of dozens of tactical air defense systems shortly.
The United States of America has declared a fresh round of military assistance to Ukraine, including deploying a Patriot air defense system and ammunition.
What is known about the transfer of air defense equipment to Ukraine by partner countries
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