Russian troops suffer devastating losses in Ukraine, reaching record highs in May and June 2024 – British intelligence

In May and June 2024, the Russian Federation saw the highest daily death and injury rate among its residents in Ukraine since the full-scale war began, with averages of 1,262 and 1,163, respectively.

The Ministry of Defense of Great Britain reported that on X (Twitter).

As mentioned in the summary, it should be noted that Russia has suffered over 70,000 casualties, including both deaths and injuries, in the last two months. 

According to British intelligence, the increase in losses reflects Russia's opening of a new front in the Kharkiv region while maintaining the former pace of offensive operations along the front line.

While this new approach has increased pressure on the front line, Ukraine's effective defenses and lack of Russian training reduce Russia's ability to capitalize on any tactical gains despite efforts to stretch the front line further.

"Russian casualty rates are likely to continue to exceed 1,000 per day for the next two months as Russia continues to try to outnumber Ukrainian forces," the British Ministry of Defense said.

According to American, British, and other Western intelligence services, in May, Russia lost more than a thousand soldiers every day at the front. This information confirms the daily summaries of the General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces, according to which the losses of the Russian Federation increased sharply in May.

However, despite the losses, Russia is recruiting 25,000 to 30,000 new soldiers every month – roughly the same number as it is losing.

For reference:

  • In May, British intelligence estimated that the total number of Russian casualties, both killed and wounded, since the start of the full-scale war had likely reached 500,000. This high figure is likely due to the ongoing exhaustive offensive carried out by the Russian Federation on a broad front.
  • On May 30, Ankur Narayan, the diplomat of the Great Britain Mission to the OSCE, said that the losses of Russian forces exceeded 465,000 soldiers.
  • The General Staff of Ukraine's armed forces called the number of losses of Russian troops more than 556,650 people, including 1,030 people over the past day.
  • According to NATO estimates, as of April, the total losses of Russian forces during full-scale hostilities in Ukraine amounted to more than 350,000.

It should be noted that Russia and Ukraine give almost no information about their losses in the war. Moscow officially last named the number of people killed in September 2022 – then 5,937 people died. Kyiv did not do this for a long time, saying that the data would be disclosed after the war.

On February 25, 2024, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced the death toll of 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers since the onset of the full-scale invasion. However, Zelensky also stated that he cannot reveal the number of wounded and missing soldiers.

Also, according to his data, Russia's losses amounted to 180,000 service members killed and up to 500,000 wounded and dead.

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