The White House reported that.
According to the Biden administration, the estimated cost of the aid package is $225 million. This package will provide Ukraine with additional capabilities to meet its needs, including air defense systems and interceptors, ammunition for missile systems and artillery, and anti-tank weapons.
"The package allocated under the presidential authority (PDA) in the amount of about $225 million will provide Ukraine with additional opportunities to fulfill its most urgent needs," the message states.
What is included in the aid:
"The United States will continue to work together with nearly 50 Alliance members and partners to ensure that the brave defenders of Ukraine receive the critical capabilities needed to combat Russian aggression," the US Department of Defense emphasized.
For reference:
As previously reported by Rubryka, Volodymyr Zelensky and Joe Biden, the presidents of Ukraine and the US, began their meeting in Washington on the sidelines of the NATO summit.
Subsequently, US President Joe Biden announced allocating a new security aid package for Ukraine.
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