60% NATO states’ citizens support further Ukraine aid – survey

Most citizens of NATO states are convinced that membership in the Alliance strengthens their country's security and support the continuation of the bloc's assistance to Ukraine in its fight against Russia.

These data were published on NATO's website based on the results of a sociological survey conducted before the summit in Washington.

"As with previous surveys before the summits, this year's poll included a question on Russia's war against Ukraine. Around two-thirds of respondents in Allied countries believe that Russia's war against Ukraine is a security threat to their countries (63 percent). There is agreement among the vast majority of respondents that their country should continue to provide assistance to Ukraine (61 percent)."

The majority of the population of the Alliance agrees that their country should defend an ally in the event of an attack (63%), and another 70% of respondents would vote in favor of continuing their country's membership in NATO if the issue were put to a referendum.

The continuation of significant defense spending is supported by 76%.

At the same time, the percentage of those who support an increase in such spending, although still growing, is currently 41% of the respondents.

At the same time, a significant number of respondents retain a negative attitude toward Russia and China (62 and 48%).

The poll was conducted before the next NATO summit in all 32 countries of the Alliance with the participation of more than 30,000 respondents.

NATO defense ministers have approved an "operational plan to expand support for Ukraine," which includes a greater role for the Alliance in supplying weapons and training the Ukrainian military.

About 700 military personnel from NATO and partner countries will be involved in the implementation of the plan.

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