
Ukraine’s defense ministry tests adaptive suits for wounded soldiers

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is developing an adaptive suit for wounded service members. This suit will allow quick change of clothes or removal at stabilization points or hospitals, ensuring prompt medical personnel access to medical manipulations.

This is reported by Rubryka, referring to the Ministry of Defense.

The project is carried out by the Main Directorate for the Development of Material Support, representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Ukrainian manufacturers, and volunteers. The goal is to provide wounded service members with high-quality and comfortable clothing after evacuation from the battlefield to stabilization points or hospitals.

The technical task was determined by the Rear Command of the Logistics Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, considering the recommendations of military doctors and volunteers.

The main feature of adaptive clothing is the ease of use of Velcro. Suits are provided in several sizes and heights, with the possibility of expansion for using the Ilizarov apparatus during treatment.

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

The clothes are made in neutral colors, have a loose cut, and include underwear (shorts, T-shirt) and casual options (sweatshirt with short and long sleeves, pants). Adaptive suits are designed for both men and women.

Currently, several models from Ukrainian manufacturers are at the finalization stage and will be tested in practical conditions during military trials.

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