Ukrainian doctors perform unique surgery on soldier’s heart

For the first time in the world, surgeons of the M.M. Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery performed a unique operation on the heart of 49-year-old soldier Yurii Sichka without a chest incision: doctors used intravascular access through the arm.

Rubryka writes about this by referring to the medical institution's Facebook page.

According to doctors, Yurii Sichka is a former technical worker at a school in the Vinnytsia region. He received a severe chest wound near Bakhmut, Donetsk region while helping to evacuate the bodies of the deceased soldiers. An enemy shell pierced his lung and stuck in his heart.

Photo: Facebook / National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after M.M. Amosov. Shrapnel in the left vestibule before removal.

Initially, doctors in Dnipro performed an emergency surgery that saved the soldier's life, but a dangerous hole remained in his heart artery through which blood entered the heart cavity. This posed a severe threat to life, and therefore, given the complexity of the situation, the soldier was transported to Kyiv.

Photo: Facebook / National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after M.M. Amosov

The board of cardiac surgeons decided to operate without a chest incision, using intravascular access through the arm. This method did not require general anesthesia.

"During the operation, we used an intra-coronary ultrasound device, which allowed us to see the vessel from the inside and precisely install special stent-grafts — metal structures up to 5 mm in diameter, which closed the damaged area of ​​the artery," the doctors say.

Photo: Facebook / National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after M.M. Amosov. Surgery result.

After the operation, the patient feels well and is currently undergoing rehabilitation.

"According to our data, this is the first case in the world when a similar operation was performed this way," the Amosov Institute reported.

We would like to remind you that there is currently no shortage of doctors in Ukraine's medical field, but the data differ by region.

Also, in Poltava, trauma surgeons performed a complex operation on a soldier using 3D printing technologies.

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