Putin is not against continuing Istanbul peace talks with Ukraine

The Russian Federation may return to the so-called Istanbul Agreements regarding peace between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, although it recently proposed other negotiation terms.

This was stated by Vladimir Putin at the SCO Plus meeting, RIA Novosti writes.

"The Istanbul agreements remain on the table and can be used as a basis for continuing these negotiations," he noted.

Then Putin stated that Russia had never refused and "is now ready to continue peace talks (with Ukraine)." According to the version of the head of the Kremlin, Ukraine allegedly refused the negotiations at the behest of Great Britain and the United States.

Russia's president also believes that the Istanbul Agreements will suit Ukraine, because it seems to have "initialized" them.

What is known about the negotiations between Ukraine and Russia

We will remind you that on June 14, Putin announced that he had new proposals for a "peaceful settlement" of the war against Ukraine. Putin fantasized about new "conditions for the start of peace negotiations": Ukrainian troops must withdraw from the entire territory of four Ukrainian regions, and Kyiv must declare that it has no plans to join NATO.

In turn, US presidential candidate Donald Trump said during a debate with the current head of the White House, Joe Biden, that the proposals put forward by Putin as conditions for ending the war unleashed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine are "unacceptable."

However, two of Donald Trump's close advisers presented their "plan to end the war" of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which is essentially a way of forcing Kyiv to negotiate with Moscow and make territorial concessions.

At the same time, the White House confirmed the position that it is Ukraine that can decide when and under what circumstances to conduct negotiations with Russia regarding the cessation of hostilities, commenting on the existence of a "plan" of the former head of state Donald Trump.

On June 30, President Volodymyr Zelensky said that he currently sees only one model of negotiations with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin — a tripartite agreement with mediators, which was used in the grain corridor negotiations.


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