13:22 04 Jul 2024

US and China can become mediators in event of negotiations with Russia — Zelensky

Фото: Рубрика

The United States and China can become mediators in negotiations with the Russian Federation, which would make it possible to end the war fairly for Ukraine. Volodymyr Zelensky also spoke about Russia and Putin's participation in the second peace summit.

This was stated by Ukraine's President, Volodymyr Zelensky, Rubryka writes, referring to his interview with Bloomberg.

"I think America, China. I think both of them. I know that there are very big issues between them. I understand that. But it seems to me that if we want this war to end fairly for Ukraine and for the whole world, they will have to find some positions to stop Putin together. Everyone in their own way, but together," he said.

Otherwise, according to the president, an end to the war will be proposed, which will not be fair for Ukraine.

"Because Russia will play, Putin will see that most of the world is not on the side of Ukraine and the world is divided. He is working on it, and his team is constantly working on it. And therefore, it seems to me, the most powerful thing is the mutual pressure of the USA and China," Zelensky stated.

The Ukrainian president also said Russia could participate in the second peace summit. At the same time, it is not a fact that the head of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin, will be present.

"If the next peace summit goes according to the plan that we foresee, the second summit assumes that there will be a plan with all the points of how we see the end of the war, and we will have the majority of the world on our side. If the plan is ready, we will organize a second peace summit, and there should be representatives of the Russian Federation. We will see who it will be," he said.

At the same time, the president said that he was not sure that Putin would represent Russia.

"It seems to me that he is afraid to leave Russia. Maybe by this moment, there will be another person in the Kremlin, well, there will be another," Zelensky added.

A cease-fire proposal

During a recent visit to Kyiv, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban offered Zelensky a ceasefire before beginning peace talks with Russia.

The Office of the President noted that Budapest is not the first to make such a proposal. During the UN Security Council meeting, the Chinese representative called on Ukraine and Russia to "meet each other" and start peace talks as soon as possible.

Zelensky listened to Orban's offer but, in response, stated his own position.

Currently, only one model of negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin is possible. To achieve this, intermediaries who were involved in the creation of the grain corridor must be involved.

For example, recently, the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said that his country wants to become a mediator for a "just peace" between Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

Zelensky also stated that Ukraine must develop a clear peace plan and have it ready by the end of 2024.

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