21:40 04 Jul 2024

Zelensky teases new security agreement ahead of NATO summit

Фото: ОПУ

Ukraine will sign another security agreement during the NATO summit on July 9 to 11; it has already been prepared.

Rubryka writes about this, referring to the evening address of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky.

As the Head of State noted, he held a long meeting regarding the NATO summit. The president emphasized that the event should be strong for Ukraine and all its partners.

Zelensky said that a meeting of the Ukraine-NATO Council will take place at the same time. Work on new solutions and documents will be signed with partners.

In particular, there should be good news regarding air defense.

"A new security agreement for Ukraine has also been prepared. A strong agreement that will really support our entire architecture of security agreements.

And we will always strengthen it. This is what will guarantee our security until Ukraine joins NATO ——an irreversible decision," the head of state emphasized.

What is known about the latest agreements

We remind you that on June 27, during the Summit of EU leaders in Brussels, Ukraine signed an agreement on security guarantees with the European Union.

Also, on June 27, Ukraine and the Republic of Lithuania signed an Agreement on Security Cooperation and an Agreement on Security Cooperation and Long-Term Support between Ukraine and Estonia.

Such documents are necessary to ensure assistance to Ukraine if Russia decides to launch another invasion before the Ukrainian state joins NATO.

In particular, each document provides for consultations with Ukraine in case of a new war with Russia. Within the framework of such consultations, Kyiv wants to inform about its main needs and request concrete assistance.

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