21:55 04 Jul 2024

Ukraine intends to ban single-use plastic products circulation

Фото: Екополітика

Ukraine intends to ban the production, importation, introduction into circulation, and distribution of several single-use plastic products, particularly dishes, cotton buds, and drinking straws.

Rubryka writes about this by referring to Ukraine's Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources.

What is the problem?

Experts estimate that only 10 to 15% of single-use plastic is recycled yearly. At the same time, in 2019, 130 million tons of single-use plastic were thrown away worldwide. In Australia, there are 59 kilograms of such waste per person, in the USA—53 kg, in Japan—37 kg, in Canada—34 kg, and in Italy—23 kg.

Therefore, in 2019, the European Union began to systematically solve this problem and approved Directive 2019/904 on reducing the impact of certain plastic products on the environment.

In Ukraine, bags, plastic packaging, and boxes have also found their place in almost all spheres of activity. However, a huge disadvantage of plastic is its high resistance to biodegradation.

In landfills, plastic can be stored for decades, and during the burning of plastic, dioxins and other organic decomposition products, harmful to humans, are released into the air.

What is the solution?

EU countries have already begun to fulfill one of the Directive's requirements. Namely, in accordance with Article 6, the EU member states had to take all measures so that from July 3, 2024, the relevant plastic products were presented on European markets exclusively with attached lids.

This solution should ensure that the cap is recycled together with the bottle and not thrown separately into the trash or, even worse, into soil or water.

Following the European path, Ukraine is also implementing the best European practices in the fight for a clean environment.

How does it work?

At the moment, a draft law is being developed that will allow the implementation of Directive 2019/904 and gradually limit the circulation of single-use plastic products on the territory of Ukraine.

In particular, it is planned to ban the production, importation, introduction into circulation, and distribution of such products as:

  • hygienic cotton buds with a plastic base;
  • styrofoam containers and plastic containers in the form of blister packs or trays — for ready-made food products that are
  • consumed on the spot or taken away;
  • stirrers and straws for drinks;
  • sticks attached to balloons;
  • skewers;
  • disposable forks, knives, spoons, plates, etc.

In recent years, Ukraine has proven that it shares and defends European values ​​and is ready for reforms to become a full member of the European Union. Therefore, the transformation of the country's waste management system continues.

It will be recalled that the European Union banned the sale of glitter and granulated plastic due to their harmful environmental effects.

In addition, in Kropyvnytskyi, based on the educational, cultural, and volunteer Honcharenko center, plastic is recycled to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Over a year, caps from plastic bottles have been collected here, and 1,500 soup kits are prepared for the military weekly with the collected funds.

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