15:33 03 Jul 2024

NATO agrees on €40 bln for Ukraine

Photo: facebook.com/MNS.GOV.UA

Allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization have reached an agreement on financing military aid for Ukraine next year in the amount of €40 billion.

Reuters writes about this with reference to a European diplomat who commented on the information on condition of anonymity.

As reported in the media outlet, the interlocutor noted that the NATO member states agreed to Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's proposal to finance military support for Ukraine with €40 billion next year.

The decision should be officially approved at the summit of the North Atlantic Alliance in Washington next week.

At the same time, the agency source clarified that although the member states did not support Stoltenberg's initial request for such a multi-year commitment, the agreement contains a provision to reassess the allies' contributions at future NATO summits.

As the deputy said, the allies also decided to prepare two reports during the next year to determine which country and what supplies to Ukraine to meet the demands for greater transparency of burden sharing in the Alliance.

Earlier, details of discussions about €40 billion for Ukraine and "stumbling blocks" in this process were unofficially leaked to the press.

Recently, the media also reported that at NATO's 75th-anniversary summit in Washington, they would announce the creation of a new structure to coordinate all types of long-term assistance to Ukraine, which will be called "NATO Security and Training Assistance to Ukraine" (NSATU).

In addition, they are discussing the creation of a special representative in Kyiv to oversee the international coordination of the supply of weapons and training for the Ukrainian Armed Forces under the auspices of NATO.

What is known about the NATO summit to be held in Washington

We will remind you that this year's NATO summit will be held from July 9 to 11 in Washington in the United States.

It was reported that the leaders of NATO member states will discuss strengthening support for Ukraine during the North Atlantic Alliance meeting.

As the Alliance's Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, stated at the Prague meeting, the NATO allies made progress in three areas: better coordination of the Alliance in arms supply and personnel training, determination of long-term financial support for Ukraine, and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine.

In addition, the upcoming NATO summit will bring "good news" for Ukraine regarding more air defense systems to protect the Ukrainian sky from Russian attacks.

It will be recalled that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg invited President Volodymyr Zelensky to the anniversary summit of the Alliance in Washington on July 9-11.

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