
Ukraine’s PM discusses needs for restoration and development of energy system with UN General Assembly head

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal held a meeting with the Chairman of the United Nations General Assembly, Dennis Francis. The parties' main attention was on the situation in the energy sector.

This is reported by Rubryka, referring to Government portal.

Denys Shmyhal talked about Ukraine's needs for equipment for the restoration and development of the decentralized system. The prime minister emphasized the importance of liberating the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and returning it to Ukrainian control in order to stop Russia's nuclear terror.

Photo: Government portal

The issues of food security and the export of Ukrainian grain were also discussed.

"Nuclear and food security are among the President of Ukraine's Peace Formula points. We urge you to contribute to its implementation," the prime minister noted.

The meeting's other important topic was humanitarian demining. Shmyhal emphasized that the UN can help by supplying the necessary equipment.

Photo: Government portal

The head of the government thanked the UN General Assembly for supporting resolutions in favor of Ukraine and for financing humanitarian projects, particularly the restoration of critical infrastructure. He emphasized the importance of supporting the restoration of Ukrainian homes, but he expressed hope for an increase in the number of joint projects.

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