Russian soldier damages missile ship, steals classified documents and defects to Ukraine

A Russian soldier voluntarily defected to Ukraine; before that, he set fire to one of the most modern missile boats of the Russian fleet and stole secret documents.

Radio Svoboda reports that the Freedom of Russia Legion presented him as its new recruit at a press conference, which was also attended by representatives of Ukrainian intelligence.

A citizen of the Russian Federation with the call sign "Goga" served in the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Federation. He assures that he wanted to resign because of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine.

In 2023, he applied to the Ukrainian intelligence project "I Want to Live". Since then, with the help of the Ukrainian special services, he has sabotaged the ship "Serpukhov."

The intelligence noted that together with the secret documents, "Gogu" was taken out of the territory of the Russian Federation by Ukrainian special services.

It will be recalled that the decommissioning of the Serpukhov ship became known in April. It has significant damage. As the sources told the media outlet, we are talking about a small missile ship of project 21631, "Buyan-M" (the fifth ship of the series).

It is known that a missile carrier was burning at the Baltiysk naval base in the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation. However, the source does not specify what caused the fire.

"Due to a fire inside the missile ship, its means of communication and automation were completely destroyed. It will take a long time to restore the combat capability of 'Serpukhov,'" the message says.

The Legion Freedom of Russia is a unit in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, consisting of Russian volunteers. Among them are former Russian military personnel and ex-employees of Russia's security service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Russian authorities declared it a terrorist organization.

It is worth adding that on August 23, 2023, the representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Andrii Yusov, reported that there is indeed information that a Russian Mi-8 combat helicopter landed in Ukraine, and work is underway with the crew.

On September 3, the Main Directorate of Intelligence told how they carried out the "Synytsia" special operation, during which it was possible to deliver a Russian Mi-8 helicopter with its crew to Ukraine.

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