EU and UNDP help Mykolaiv restore sports college

The sports college in Mykolaiv, damaged by Russian shelling, was restored with the financial support of the European Union and within the framework of the UNDP project.

Rubryka writes about this, referring to the Facebook of the head of Mykolaiv regional Vitalii Kim.

What is the problem?

According to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 273 educational institutions were damaged in the Mykolaiv region due to hostilities during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine: 33 institutions were destroyed, and 240 were damaged.

In the region, 19 schools were completely destroyed, and 117 schools were damaged.

What is the solution?

"Within the framework of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) 'EU4UASchools: Build Back Better' project, with the financial support of the European Union, a sports college in Mykolaiv, damaged as a result of Russia's military aggression, was restored," the head of the region said.

How does it work?

As Kim reported, it was possible to repair:

  • classrooms, halls,
  • the shelter, which is designed for more than 400 people,
  • building facade,
  • new equipment.

Photo: Mykolaiv Regional Administration

Photo: Mykolaiv Regional Administration

The head of the regional administration emphasized that all work was carried out according to the "Build Back Better" principle to reduce the risks associated with current threats and improve the institution's conditions in accordance with the modern needs of the educational process.

Photo: Mykolaiv Regional Administration

Photo: Mykolaiv Regional Administration

"We must create conditions where our children can study without worrying about safety. The college restoration is another step in this direction," Kim added.

He also thanked international partners for their help and support.

Photo: Mykolaiv Regional Administration

It should be noted that the permanent representative of the UNDP in Ukraine, Jaco Cilliers, and the head of the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO), Maciej Popowski, also took part in the opening of the educational institution after the renovation works.

Popowski assured that DG ECHO will continue to support Ukraine in these difficult times.

"The restoration of the educational infrastructure is an investment in the country's future, and we are glad to be a part of this process," he said.

For his part, Cilliers added that this project demonstrates the power of international solidarity and cooperation. UNDP strives not only to repair facilities but also to make them safer and more comfortable.


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