War intensifies environmental issues in Kharkiv Region

Volunteer and environmental defender Artem Prykhodko is sure that the war exacerbated environmental problems in the Kharkiv region.

He told about this live on Radio Nakypilo, Rubryka writes.

What is the problem?

Artem Prykhodko, analyzing the consequences of a full-scale war for the environment of the Kharkiv region, singled out Russia's attack on the oil depot on Kotelna Street, which took place in February 2024, among the largest.

"The war has created conditions under which we cannot do what we could do before the full-scale invasion. There have always been problems with the environment. But the situation has worsened because we cannot take preventive measures to improve it," the expert is convinced.

According to Prykhodko, there is a huge problem with water quality in the reservoirs in the Kharkiv region. This was also influenced by the massive attacks of the Russians, which made the existing problems even larger, for example, after an enemy attack on an oil depot in February of this year.

"In my opinion, the situation in the Kharkiv region on February 9, which occurred with the leakage of a large amount of oil products, is no smaller in scale than the destruction of the Kakhovka HPP," the eco-activist said.

What is the solution?

Prykhodko is convinced that Ukrainians will feel the consequences of such attacks for decades to come. However, thanks to the daily work of the employees of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the problem was localized.

"Over time, if the soil is thoroughly cleaned and the water is treated with special sorbents, the consequences of oil spills will become less noticeable," the environmentalist assured.

How does it work?

Despite constant shelling and the enemy's desire to destroy life in Kharkiv, Kharkiv residents continue to clean the Mokryi Zhykhor ravine of garbage. Prykhodko is one of them. He is convinced that, with such actions, he is helping the city overcome surrounding problems that have worsened as a result of a full-scale war.

The 66th cleaning tour took place on Sunday, June 23, in the Mokryi Zhykhor ravine in Kharkiv, KhTZ district. Anyone who cares about the environment can join the Mokryi Zhykhor campaign by following the link.


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