
Ukrainian veteran and UNBROKEN rehabilitation center mentor participated in Berlin

The veteran and mentor of the UNBROKEN National Rehabilitation Center walked the catwalk as models during Berlin Fashion Week (as part of Berlin Contemporary) wearing prosthetics. It was a debut for indomitable patients.

This is reported by Rubryka, referring to the Lviv City Council.

The streetwear brand PLNGNS (Palingenesy) invited Ukrainians to join the show.

"I dreamed about it since childhood, when I imagined myself as a model as a little girl. I am thrilled! Of course, we were nervous before the show. But when they said, 'It's your turn,' I even forgot to limp. Our podium had a lot of stairs, and when you're wearing prosthetics, it can be a real challenge. But my goal was to show there are no limitations, even when you use a prosthesis," shared Viktoriia Hemych.

Photo: Lviv City Council

At the end of 2022, Viktoriia Hemych lost her leg as a result of an accident in the city center. Since then, she has quickly undergone rehabilitation and prosthetics at the UNBROKEN National Rehabilitation Center and now has become a mentor for patients, helping others overcome this path.

For veteran Yevhenii Shvab, the fashion show in Berlin became a challenge, and he kept joking about everything.

"If only the commander could see my makeup… But I'm ready for that if I have the opportunity to remind the world that Russia is a terrorist state," says Shvab.

Photo: Lviv City Council

During the show, Shvab unfurled a flag with the inscription Russia is a terrorist state.

In 2022, Schvab was injured in the Luhansk region and had a high amputation of his right leg. The 29-year-old Ukrainian is currently studying to become a psychologist, participates in various reintegration projects for veterans, and motivates and strives to help fellow citizens return to normal life after war and trauma.

Photo: Lviv City Council

In addition, the UNBROKEN charitable foundation organized an informal meeting in Berlin and invited Ukrainians to talk about communicating with people who have lost limbs.

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