Фото: golosameriki.com
Rubryka writes about this, referring to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).
On July 1, the Russian Federation took over the one-month rotating presidency of the UN Security Council for the first time since April 2023.
American analysts suggest that Russia will likely use this position as a power base within the international system as it historically has.
On July 16 and 17, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergei Lavrov, will chair the debates at the UN Security Council
According to ISW, during the Russian presidency in April 2023, Russia already used its presidency of the UN Security Council to promote several narratives regarding the Russian Federation's desired influence in the international system.
Experts noted that Russia uses its veto right in the UN Security Council as a basis for power projection.
Several high-ranking Russian officials have recently launched information operations aimed at deflecting responsibility for Russia's documented violations of international law in Ukraine and likely to set the stage for a future presidency of the UN Security Council.
ISW key takeaways as of July 1
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