
Ukraine and Czech Republic held another round of negotiations on bilateral security agreement

On the instructions of the President of Ukraine and the head of the President's Office and in accordance with the Joint Declaration of the Group of Seven, the deputy head of the President's Office, Ihor Zhovkva, held another round of negotiations with the Czech side regarding the signing of a bilateral security agreement.

This is reported by Rubryka, referring to the President's Office.

The Czech delegation was headed by David Konetsky, the Director General for Security and Multilateral Relations of the Czech Republic's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The parties noted significant progress in preparing the draft of the future agreement and also agreed on further steps for finalizing it so that the state leaders could sign the document soon.

It will be recalled that in 2023, the G7 leaders agreed to provide Ukraine with a security guarantee. Ukraine signed a separate security agreement with each of the partner countries, the term of which is 10 years.

The agreements contain similar provisions, in particular regarding support for Ukraine during the war and obligations regarding military, humanitarian, and financial assistance. In addition, the allies undertake to support Ukraine's path to the EU and NATO.

However, each agreement contains individual obligations of the countries based on their economic or military capabilities.

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal noted that Ukraine has already signed 20 security agreements with allies, particularly the EU and the USA. According to these agreements, in the next four years, international partners plan to provide Ukraine with total military support of $60 billion annually.

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