Sweden to hold exhibition of Ukrainian books destroyed by Russia

Sweden will hold an exhibition of books that were destroyed due to the Russian attack.

Rubryka informs about this.

What is the problem?

The world's fatigue with Russia's war in Ukraine is growing, resulting in a decrease in mentions in foreign information space.

It is understandable; the war has been going on for more than two years, and those who are not directly suffering are simply getting used to it.

Such a trend can weaken the support of foreign partners for Ukraine, which is critically important for Ukraine's existence as a state.

What is the solution?

Recently, in one of his interviews, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, spoke about the need to remind about Ukraine abroad:

"It is very important that the world does not get tired and balanced. Otherwise, people like Putin will keep changing the world."

At their own level, every citizen and company can contribute to this.

An exemplary case is demonstrated by the Ranok publishing house, whose books have repeatedly suffered from Russian shelling.

Ranok decided to send copies of the affected editions to the Ukrainian Institute in Sweden. It appealed to other Ukrainian publishing houses to provide similar books. After all, very recently, in May, a powerful Russian attack was carried out on the Factor Druk printing house, where more than 30 publishing houses were printed.

How does it work?

The publishing house thought that most people perceive information better visually, so a direct demonstration of the consequences of Russia's aggression would be essential in the fight for the support of Europeans in particular.

Ranok sent six burned textbooks on the German language for the 7th grade from the edition damaged by the shelling of the printing complex. Another textbook given by the publishing house was damaged in 2022 when the Russians fired at the publishing house's logistics center.

The Ukrainian Institute in Sweden received the books. Holding burnt copies in their hands, the Institute's representatives could feel the closeness of the war, its reality.

In response, it was decided to prepare a special exhibition in Stockholm with a demonstration of these editions and a discussion. It should take place in the fall, after the end of the summer season, to attract as many visitors as possible. 

"The aggressor denies Ukraine's right to its language and literature. This is not the first time it has attacked Ukrainian publishing houses. The world should know and see these crimes," said Natalya Pasichnyk, director of the Ukrainian Institute in Sweden.

General director of the publishing house Viktor Kruhlov says:

"Ukrainian books will be at an exhibition in Sweden. But the occasion is not happy at all. We tell and show how Russia purposefully tries to destroy our culture. Ukrainian publishers should carry out active informational work abroad not only by promoting our literature but also by reporting the truth about the enemy's war crimes ".

An exhibition of destroyed books was already shown in Kyiv within the framework of the 12th International Book Arsenal Festival. Then, the event's visitors had the opportunity to look and even flip through the books that were damaged as a result of the Russian attack on the Factor Druk printing house.

Now, the purpose of the affected publications is not to let them forget about the situation in Ukraine and abroad.

It will be recalled that the Howard G. Buffett Foundation will finance the restoration of the printing house Faktor-Druk, which was destroyed by an enemy missile strike on May 23 in Kharkiv.

As reported, the network announced a flash mob in support of the Vivat publishing house, which suffered from the Russian strikes on Kharkiv.

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