Hungarian PM arrives in Kyiv first time since 2012

On the morning of July 2, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán arrived in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv. This was his first visit in many years.

This is written by EP and The Guardian with reference to sources.

As reported, the Hungarian Prime Minister's cortege, which included numerous cars, arrived at his country's embassy.

The media outlet reminds that Orbán hasn't come to Ukraine, neither during Volodymyr Zelensky's tenure nor under the previous president, Petro Poroshenko. Orban last visited Kyiv in 2012 for meetings with then-President Yanukovych.

On Tuesday, Orbán is expected to hold talks with President Zelensky and other top officials.

Interlocutors of the Guardian from Budapest also noted that Orbán should meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyi in Kyiv. A source in Kyiv confirmed plans for the visit:

"Orbán will be here tomorrow if there are no last-minute changes."

According to the media outlet, the trip was planned after lengthy negotiations regarding the rights of the Hungarian ethnic minority in Ukraine. One source said, "The premise of the meeting was to resolve the issue of citizenship. In recent weeks, an agreement has been reached."

The position of Hungary regarding Ukraine

Hungary and Ukraine have had almost no high-level contact since the full-scale Russian invasion in February 2022. However, it has become more active on different levels in recent months.

Earlier, Zelensky said that during a short meeting in Argentina, he asked Orbán to name at least one reason why Ukraine should not be in the EU.

Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, Budapest has made statements that contradict the general position of the European Union regarding support for Ukraine.

In particular, on February 15, Hungary blocked the adoption of the 13th package of European Union sanctions against Russia. Budapest also promised to veto any sanctions related to Russian nuclear energy.

At the end of last week, Orbán and Zelensky crossed paths on the sidelines of the EU leaders' summit in Brussels. The head of the Hungarian government approached the president of Ukraine. First, the two leaders shook hands, and then they had an emotional conversation.

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