Netherlands to deliver first F-16 to Ukraine shortly

The Netherlands has already completed the necessary permit for the export of F-16 fighter jets, which will be transferred to Ukraine. The first plane will be sent to Ukraine soon.

This is discussed in the letter of the Dutch Minister of Defense, Kajsa Ollongren, to the House of Representatives of the country's parliament.

The letter to parliament on the F-16 export license is one of the last steps taken by the outgoing government. However, further changes in support of Ukraine from the Netherlands are not expected.

In the coalition agreement of the parties whose representatives will appear in the new government, it is said that Ukraine is "supported politically, militarily, financially and morally" against the background of the war with Russia.

In her turn, the head of the Ministry of Defense announced the completion of the permit to export 24 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine.

"On behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Foreign Trade and Development of Cooperation, I inform you that the delivery of the first aircraft will take place soon," the head of the ministry said.

At the same time, the letter notes that due to operational security and agreements within the framework of the international coalition, no details regarding the supply of aircraft are currently being provided to the parliament.

"Operational security remains the main criterion when considering the issue of whether information should be disclosed. Based on this, as well as agreements within the framework of the international coalition, no further details about this supply are currently provided," the letter emphasized.

Ollongren promised that the House of Representatives would be "confidentially briefed" on the progress of exports.

What is known about F-16 fighters for Ukraine

At the end of March, Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said Ukraine should receive Western F-16 fighter jets according to previously established plans and schedules.

It should be noted that the fighter coalition will transfer a "significant number" of F-16 combat aircraft to Ukraine. These aircraft will be equipped with the latest weaponry and able to strike behind the front lines.

The Netherlands, in turn, said it would begin sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine this fall. In total, 24 aircraft are to be handed over to the army.

Also, ten Ukrainian servicemembers underwent training in the Netherlands to maintain F-16 combat aircraft.

In addition, the first group of Ukrainian pilots has now graduated in the USA, and Denmark has already trained 50 Ukrainian F-16 maintenance specialists.

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