
Zelensky meets US Congress House of Representatives delegation on additional Patriots for Ukraine

President Volodymyr Zelensky met with a bipartisan delegation of the US House of Representatives, led by Mike Turner, Chairman of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Intelligence, and Congressmen Betty McCollum, John Joyce, Ronnie Jackson, and Tony Gonzalez.

This is reported by Rubryka, referring to the Office of the President.

The head of state thanked US President Joseph Biden, both houses and parties of Congress, and the entire American people for their constant leadership in helping Ukraine.

"We see the determination of the American Congress to strengthen support for Ukraine, and we are grateful for it. The Congress' allocation of macro-financial assistance to Ukraine significantly strengthens our economy and the Armed Forces," Volodymyr Zelensky said.

Photo: President's Office

The President talked about the situation on the front line and the priority needs of the Defense Forces. Zelensky and members of the House of Representatives of the US Congress discussed the main areas of further American assistance, including additional air defense systems and missiles for them.

"This is critically important because Patriot systems help save lives and protect infrastructure. We are counting on additional deliveries of these systems soon," the Head of State noted.

Zelensky noted the United States' participation in the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland and emphasized the importance of engaging countries in joint efforts to support the summit's final communique.

Photo: President's Office

During the meeting, they also discussed ways to further increase sanctions pressure on the Russian Federation. The President noted the role of Congress in forming the legal framework for using frozen Russian assets to serve Ukraine's needs.

It is worth noting that today, July 1, the chairman of the Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives of the US Congress, Mike Turner, and a bipartisan delegation of American congressmen arrived in Kyiv. They will hold a press conference on the topic of the United States' support for Ukraine.

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