Russia strikes Dnipro with ballistic missiles overnight

On Monday night, several explosions rang out in Dnipro during an air alert declared in the region due to the threat of enemy missile strikes. In the city, a supermarket was damaged due to one of the explosions. Seven people were injured.

Rubryka reports this with reference to Suspilne Dnipro and Serhii Lysak, the head of the regional military administration.

It should be noted that at first, the sound of the explosion was heard in the Dnipro area around 02:00.

After that, the command of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced that the rocket's movement toward the city of Dnipro had been fixed. Later, it became known that more missiles were moving toward the city.

Already at 02:05, it became known that there was a repeated sound of an explosion in Dnipro.

The head of the Dnipro regional military administration, Serhii Lysak, on his Telegram, called on the residents of Dnipro to stay in shelters due to the ongoing threat.

Photo: Suspilne Dnipro

Photo: Suspilne Dnipro

Photo: Suspilne Dnipro

At approximately 01:20, the Air Force warned of a missile threat to the eastern regions. At two o'clock in the morning, an air alert was announced in all regions of Ukraine's east.

Photo: Telegram / Serhii Lysak

Local media reported that the blast wave damaged windows and roofs in private houses and high-rise buildings in the city. Suspilne Dnipro also wrote about the damaged supermarket building caused by the Russian air attack.

As a result of shelling in Dnipro, seven people were injured.

A 15-year-old boy is among the wounded in the city. One woman was hospitalized, and other victims will be treated on an outpatient basis.

Photo: Suspilne Dnipro

Photo: Suspilne Dnipro

The situation in the region

Also, in the evening, the Russians struck the Nikopol region of the Dnipropetrovsk region with kamikaze drones and artillery. Five private houses, an outbuilding, power lines, and a gas pipeline were damaged there. As a result of the shelling, more than two hectares of wheat fields were burned.

On the morning of July 1, Russian drones and artillery struck Nikopol and the Pokrovsk community.

Strikes by the Russian Federation on Dnipro

It was previously reported that in Dnipro, which was subjected to another missile attack by the Russian Federation, search and rescue operations are still ongoing at the site of the shelling of this city on June 28. Two people are considered missing.

Let us remind you that on June 28, Russian troops launched a missile attack on a high-rise building in Dnipro. The enemy destroyed four floors of the building with the blow.

In addition, a part of the high-rise building damaged by the missile strike collapsed.

As of the evening of June 29, 13 victims are known, including an infant and a pregnant woman. One person died.


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