
Ukrainian DELTA combat system successfully integrated with Polish TOPAZ artillery control system

During NATO exercises CWIX24 in the Polish city of Bydgoszcz, the Ukrainian DELTA combat system successfully integrated with the Polish TOPAZ artillery fire control system.

Rubryka reports this, referring to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The training, which took place in two parts — Pink Enclave (secret) and Green Enclave (non-secret) — allowed the Ukrainian team to work as a data collection and processing hub for the first time.

The DELTA system ensured the collection, updating, and addition of information, including data on the location of own forces and friendly units, which was then transmitted to the Polish TOPAZ system. This contributed to a complete understanding of the situation on the battlefield and also demonstrated DELTA's ability to transmit data securely with limited access.

"As a result, the Ukrainian system successfully coped with the task and confirmed compatibility with many other NATO systems. This year, the DELTA system team successfully tested five different interoperability standards and passed all tests successfully. I am proud of the work of the team and the high evaluation from partners. Ukraine is the first country facing robotic warfare. Technologies will help increase efficiency. And DELTA is a combat system already increasing the advantage over the enemy," said Kateryna Chernohorenko, deputy minister of defense for digital development, digital transformations, and digitalization.

Photo: Ministry of Defense

"During two weeks of training, the Ukrainian team aroused keen interest among representatives of other countries. The word DELTA has become synonymous with innovation and technology. The team made numerous presentations to various national delegations and received high praise for their work. Representatives of many countries highly appreciated the level of development and professionalism of Ukrainian specialists," Lt. Col. Yelizaveta Boyko of the Armed Forces of Ukraine told about participation in NATO competitions.

DELTA's work was presented separately to NATO's Supreme Commander for Digital Transformation, General Philip Lavigne, and Deputy Chief of Staff for NATO's Digital Transformation, Vice Admiral Jeffrey W. Hughes.


DELTA is a unique ecosystem of military products developed by the military for the military and built to NATO standards. It allows you to see the battlefield in real time and displays the air, land, and sea situation on a digital map. The system allows you to exchange information within the unit, brigade, and, if necessary, with allies.

About CWIX

CWIX (Coalition Warrior Interoperability eXercise) is an annual event organized by NATO to test and improve interoperability between member and partner nations. It involves testing and working with different technologies in a realistic environment to improve communication, information sharing, and coordination between different military systems and units.

The number of participants in this year's exercises reached 2,500, a record for the event, which has been held since 1999. During CWIX, engineers and operators from NATO member countries and partner countries tested more than 480 capabilities and conducted more than 26 thousand test cases in 18 functional areas.

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