Ukraine informs European Commission about suspension of trucks passage to Poland

No two-way freight permits are required, as Polish customs authorities require at checkpoints. The Ukrainian side has already informed the European Commission about the suspension of truck passage.

Rubryka reports this with reference to Serhii Derkach, Deputy Minister of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine on Facebook.

"No permits for bilateral transportation are required. The agreement on the liberalization of freight transportation between Ukraine and the EU entered into force on the day it was signed. That is, on June 20. Until July 10, a transition period allows carriers to adapt to the new rules," Derkach emphasizes.

At the same time, he noted that the Polish side, primarily the Ministry of Infrastructure of Poland, is also aware of this.

"Through official channels, the Polish side, like all other EU member states, was informed about the renewal of the Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union," said Derkach.

He noted that this is currently only a matter of internal communication on the Polish side.

"We turned to the Ministry of Infrastructure of Poland. Colleagues assure us that they are trying to solve the problem with the customs service," said the deputy minister.

At the same time, he noted that the Ukrainian side also informed the European Commission about the suspension of the passage of trucks.

"The EC has already intervened in the situation from its side and is also trying to influence the solution of the problem," concluded Derkach.

It should be noted that on July 1, Poland limited the pass for Ukrainian cargo vehicles without permits for international cargo transportation.

As noted by the State Customs Service, the restriction came into effect at 00:00.

It is noted that Ukrainian freight vehicles must have a permit for international freight transportation or an CEMT passbook to cross the border towards Poland.

"Checkpoints at other border sections operate as usual," the State Customs Service added.


The CEMT passbook is a multilateral permit issued to carriers and allows them to move freely among the 44 member countries of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport.

We remind you that on June 29, 2022, Ukraine signed the "transport visa-free" agreement with the EU. The agreement is intended for one year with the possibility of extension, which happened until the beginning of this year. We are talking about the possibility of unauthorized transportation to 27 EU countries.

In addition, Ukraine and Norway signed a protocol on "transport visa-free," the ability to transport cargo without permits. The protocol will apply to Euro-5 standard trucks and above.

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