
Democrats call on Pentagon to train more Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighters

A group of Democrats in the US House of Representatives called on the Pentagon to expand the training of Ukrainian pilots to operate F-16 fighter jets.

This is reported by Rubryka, referring to Politico.

According to the media outlet, lawmakers led by Congressman Adam Schiff supported Ukraine's request to train ten more pilots. A corresponding letter was sent to the Pentagon.

"The request came at a critical moment in Ukraine's ongoing conflict with Russia, when the deployment of F-16 aircraft could significantly affect the outcome of the war," said the letter of 15 congressmen.

They also claim that at the end of 2024, Ukraine will have a shortage of F-16 pilots, which partners will provide by then.

"Such a situation threatens to undermine the strategic advantages these planes could provide Ukraine," the congressmen specified.

The letter also claims that NATO allies can meet Ukraine's pilot training needs. However, the Pentagon needs to lead the effort to ensure the "most expedient method" to expand the program.

"These efforts will not only increase Ukraine's ability to effectively use the F-16 but also strengthen the commitment of the broader coalition to support Ukraine in its struggle for sovereignty and territorial integrity," the Democrats emphasize.

What is known about F-16 fighters for Ukraine

At the end of March, Ukraine's foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, said that Ukraine should receive Western F-16 fighter jets according to previously established plans and schedules.

Three F-16 multi-purpose fighters, on which Ukrainian pilots will be trained, arrived in Romania on April 17.

It is also worth adding that Ukrainian pilots, who are trained on F-16 fighter jets in Denmark and the United States, are already practicing the tasks they will face in Ukraine, in particular, hitting Shahed drones and missiles.

It should be noted that the fighter coalition will transfer a "significant number" of F-16 combat aircraft to Ukraine. These aircraft will be equipped with the latest weaponry and able to strike behind the front lines.

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